Yet Another Log In Glitch

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Geflin, Jan 5, 2015.

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if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. same thinking gelfin :)
    Geflin likes this.
  2. Geflin

    Geflin User

    The only possible legitimate reason my computer technician (I am a paralegal) could give me, is we are using different servers based on geographic location. I am in Lincoln, Nebraska, United States. Where are you in a general not to invade your privacy kind of context ? ;)
    I still can't get into the game, nor can two others in the same house. Would really like to know what's really happening and why.
    promaster102 likes this.
  3. AuntIna

    AuntIna User

    How long has this game been around? I only started this year, maybe a month or two ago.

    I have had troubles getting in the last few days also. Which is really frustrating. With as many complaints I would think they would want to fix this as soon as possible. Who knows maybe they are trying to fix it and we all don't know it. Although you would also think that they would notify the people that play the game as to what is going on, keeping them updated.
    TellusXIV, Alawson and promaster102 like this.
  4. whytrose

    whytrose User

    I am having the same problem. I tried logging into the game Monday Jan. 5th around 9am (USA eastern time) and all I got was a server error that said a programming error was preventing the page from loading. Today, (Jan. 6th) all I get is the loading screen with the city skyline and it wont load any further. The game has been glitch for about a week with sudden disconnects and having to reload a few times during each session.

    I too had been unable to complete movies in the Cineplex. It would allow me to do one and then would keep saying nothing was available, try again later.

    I hope they fix it soon. I too was in the process of trying to complete events that will be long gone by the time this is finally fixed.
    Alawson and promaster102 like this.
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    We are making progress. :) I am beyond the blue login screen to the map. Now to get the individual maps to load. :( Wiating for over an hour. We are getting closer though.
  6. Alawson

    Alawson User

    my i.d number is 8881918 sounds like I am not the only one. realy like the game though. I have ben only playing for 2months. If it happens a lot I don't know how much faith I have Putting money int my mm account? PLEASE HELP.
  7. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    As I posted elsewhere, it seems some things are user-specific. My friend would often have the problem with production facilities freezing the game. It was always after events and only those that made event items. Never happened to me, and we played form the same house. It definitely was never something that could be fixed on our end either.

    It is rather odd in any case.
  8. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    I am almost ashamed to say I don't have any problem logging in and only minor problem playing, refresh some 4 times/day fix that.
    I have been in game for 4h+ sessions and tested to swap on of between my two accounts and np.
    Location is Gothenburg, Sweden so I am close to Germany (where I assume server/s are).
    This is not to gloat but to give a location that hopefully can lead to something.
  9. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Lincoln, Nebraska, USA still glitching like there's no tomorrow :( Sometimes I get the blue log in freeze, sometimes the map freeze, but for days now have been unable to actually see much less use any playfield. Same goes for the others in my house, and we have all been trying at regular intervals. Am bummed out because my (continuing education) criminal justice course starts tomorrow and I will have far less time available to play. Had hoped they would get this fixed sooner so I could enjoy the last few days I had off. What I don't get is (a) why it's taking so long to fix and (b) why we are not hearing more information about it from the mods or devs. Problems are bound to happen, and sometimes take time to fix, but where communication is lacking speculation will proliferate. Not exactly the way to build user confidence nor attracting paying business :confused:
    TellusXIV likes this.
  10. Proby

    Proby User

    100% agree Geflin. I am also in USA, Michigan. I was actually trying to log in, starting yesterday (Jan.5), specifically to purchase MM so I could finish leveling up one of my maps. I've been playing for about 8 months and have never seen this type of issue, for which I can understand. What I don't understand is why there is no communication from the powers that be? Makes me wonder what type of rinky dink operation they're running here? :confused:
  11. I agree, but I would like to see if this will happen. For now, no log-in.
  12. help i can log in neather help please
  13. this is a global issue and the techs are working on it.
    please edit your post and insert your id thankyou
    HellCity666 likes this.
  14. Well here we go again can't log I in. every time I get around lve 30 something. his game get's some kind of glitch. and I have to start another account to play . getting tired of stating over to play this game!! wondering if it's realy worth it. ID 8766353
  15. Am glad this is being worked on and hope it is fixed soon. Have you suggested to the team that a bonus code or some comet packs or something be offered to players as compensation for the materials and production points they expended on events they could not complete because of this? My ID#8769002, and I for one did not complete the Lumberjack event because of this log in glitch. I was only needing a couple of production runs to finish when I found I could no longer get into the game. I believe there are many other players who had the same thing happen to them, and they probably also would like to see something done to replace what we essentially "lost" because we never got the rewards we worked so hard to earn.
  16. Geflin

    Geflin User

    And still can't log in *twiddles wingtips*. Heck, I could not even get into the Forum today until just now. Thinking about spending my MM buying stash to go buy some other game (joking). Seriously, guys, if this was a strictly "pay to play"'d have lost about 99.99 % of your players by now...and many would be wanting refunds. I've actually had a few friends who I got into playing call me and state words to the effect of "thank goodness I had not wasted money buying any of the starter packs")o_O Makes it hard to expand your market base and paying clientele, when that sort of thing is happening. I love the game and will likely stick with it, will probably buy more MM at some point. When will I be able to play again....2016, 2017, 2018 (let me know when I hit the right YEAR)?
  17. Assyla

    Assyla User

    id 7813767 i am in chicago, il and have been patiently trying to log in to this game everyday(about 4days?). I have been checking the forum daily and have not really heard any responses from the game reps. Other than you are aware of the situation and trying to work on it. Clearly, if you do not know more than that, than there really is no more answers to be given. Just wondering if there is anything the players should be doing? Recreate accounts? Change our browser settings? Visit site from specific link(s)? Any answers would help, but I am completely understanding if there is none. I sometimes stop playing for awhile and come back. I have no problem waiting this out.. truthfully this is the best online game I have played (in simulation/online builder) since SimCity Social on Facebook.

    Basically just asking to be updated when there is one. :)
  18. I wonder if they will still watch this thread? Strider_Legs made an announcement that they thought it had been fixed. Said to clear browser cache, flash cache, renew server connection. Yet after that there were bunches of new posts, including one of my own, saying it was still not fixed. Guess they'd rather have hundreds of threads to read instead of one? Am starting to wonder if they will ever get this fixed or if they have given up on RC.
  19. fred1471

    fred1471 User

    fred1471 | ID 8660205 ditto for the few weeks been many issues
  20. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Well, once again it seems my on call computer tech has earned her stripes. Probable cause of these log in errors/glitches is these guys are using doctype html instead of html5, and that is causing their gateway to fail. I sent an email under my support ticket, to RC/BP support on this issue and attached the screen shot and coding errors to that. Hopefully this will help them get the problems resolved. Am not saying I must be right and all that, but my computer tech is pretty good at what she does, and I viewed the coding myself. Since I work as a contract paralegal, any issues with my computer have to get fixed and fast; yeah, it's nice to have that kind of talent to call on even when it's not strictly business :) Don't know why we keep getting told it's our browser cache. Yes that does often cause similar problems, but there have been so many complaints from so many areas of the world, they should have guessed it was not that. I run a quad core Intel Phenom II backed by a terabyte and state of the art AVS/Maintenance software, so I knew it was not my cache (dump them every day). Heck, I'll just be glad if this is the actual problem and they get it fixed and I can play again.
    billyjim, TellusXIV and piche413 like this.
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