Zase zamknuté. Proč to stále děláte

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Sorac, Jul 10, 2017.

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  1. Sorac

    Sorac User

    Co je toto za odpověď:
    Ahoj. Ceské ako aj iné fóra zrušili, ostalo len toto anglické a tu, žial, musíš písať len po anglicky, iná možnosť nie je. alebo to môžeš skúsiť na FB.
    Hi. Czech and other forums have been canceled, only this English has been left, and you have to write English only, there is no other option. Or you can try it on FB. "
    Já potřebuji poradit. Dejte mi prosím odkaz na českou nápovědu místo neustálého zamykání. To je jak v tom Mnichově 1938
  2. stevosko

    stevosko User

    Česká nápoveda už neexistuje. Musíš písať anglicky a dostaneš anglickú odpoveď. Tiež sa mi to nepáči, ale nezmeníme to. Ja používam google prekladač, použi ho aj ty. Aebo a skus prihlásiť na tam môžeme píísaž česky. alebo cez správy v hre.

    Czech help no longer exists. You have to write English and get an English answer. I also do not like it, but we will not change it. I use google translator, use it too. Or, sign up for bite at where we can write in Czech. Or through the administration of the game.
  3. Sorac

    Sorac User

    Já anglicky neumím ani slovo. Je zajímavé, že se tu píše rusácky ale i polsky. Tohle já nechci řešit. Potřebuji pomoc ve hře a ne tady. Já nepotřebuji forum, ale nápovědu ve hře.
    Ten odkaz jsem zkoušel, ale je to zablokované. Nedostal jsem se tam a nemohu ani na ten fašoun blok.
    Já si nevím rady se hrou a forum mi je ukradené. Stále mě to ale ze hry směřuje sem. A tady mi to stále zamykají místo rady. Jednou nás prodali Hitlerovi a podruhé Stalinovi
  4. Sorac

    Sorac User

    Tak a právě jsem to zkusil. Kváká to tam cosi nesrozumitelného. Česky to není.
  5. Sorac

    Sorac User

  6. stevosko

    stevosko User

  7. Sorac

    Sorac User

    S překladačem mám špatné zkušenosti. Mám pocit, že neumí česky. Česká slova to sice jsou, ale dohromady to je nesmysl a nepomáhá ani slovník
    A pošta ve hře asi nefunguje. Nikdy jsem nedostal žádnou zprávu. Poslat nemám komu
  8. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    stevoska = Thank you for trying to help Sorac and us communicate. Sorac - We have been trying to understand you, that is the main reason that we need to have the postings in English. Write out your question, problem in as short and simple manner as possible then try using a translation program such as Goggle Translate.

    Also Sorac it is against the rules to post multiple postings in a row in the thread. It could be considered spam. The prefered method is to use the edit function and add content.
    Isaboo and stevosko like this.
  9. Sorac

    Sorac User

  10. Sorac

    Sorac User

    need to intruktions use
  11. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Sorac - are you asking for help what do you mean by "sb / sth"?
  12. Sorac

    Sorac User

  13. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    We do appreciate that you are trying to use English. You want to be able to do what? We need to know what you need help with.
  14. Sorac

    Sorac User

    Could at town produkce generál anything.
    at the moment with could Nor enter to game
  15. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Sorac - I have gone into your game several times and have had no problem entering the game. What is your user ID # It is possible I am opening another account with a similar name.
    • Last Login 11.07.2017, 21:18:28
    You have one Farm and Lumber Mill both are in production mode.
  16. Sorac

    Sorac User

    at the start axist se could enter
    produktion se lower alone. Me need deam a no wood
    yet nothing make sense, need by means of
  17. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    You have two options with materials, you can produce them or buy them. You produce materials in your farm, lumber Mill etc. or you can spend coin in the market place to buy those same materials.
  18. Sorac

    Sorac User

    • go shopping have coin
    • on production have glove
    • can nothing produkce
  19. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    The problem is you need residences to produce the Production, Education, and Experience points to grow your city. The only option is to build those residences. Which in your circumstance will be difficult.
  20. Sorac

    Sorac User

    The me know. Bawling out need clue or assistance
    Manufactory se alone lower without comand. Like so yet stand long