
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Sapphireblue1999, Mar 11, 2015.

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  1. is it possible to make the zoom smaller? as in zoom further out?
    cos I'm only level 12 and it is already annoying how i need to drag the screen around all the time...
    Andrewjf likes this.
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    There only appears to be two viewing levels (zoom in and zoom out) I know that is an issue but this is a compromise for players on small screen devices, I beleive. So they do not accidently make the game so small to be unusable. The Modeerators will have to confirm. The only other alternative would be to adjust your computer screen settings to display more data, That would depend on your Monitor and computer set up. Good luck.
  3. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I too have seen only two zoom modes; but computers have their own, usually on the task bar on the far right side (speakers, internet connection, etc.) There is a magnifying glass icon that allows you to enlarge or shrink your overall screen display and that might help.
  4. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    I have a 24" Screen at Full HD resolution and still need to Pan. A dynamic zoom would be nice to have ;)
  5. in reply to billyjim
    but couldn't phones have better zooms too? like a game i played on Facebook called dragon city, the zoom on computer and phones are the same and the zoom is awesome...of course until u get to level thirty or something. but at just level 12, the zoom is already insufficient..
  6. billyjim

    billyjim User

    That is true for most of us. But, BP has to design the game for the masses therefore they have to take into account that everyone does not have the latest and greatest technology. I would love to be able to expand the fields better myself. Maybe one day. Add it to the wish list, mine for the game is about as thick as "War and Peace" right now. :eek: Great point and thanks for the feedback. :)
  7. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Well, since RC moves at a snail's pace, one should not expect too much zoom here anyways (jk). Gotta love this game, I admit...have been at it ever since my buddy asked me to tend his city whilst babysitting his kid. Probably not going anywhere soon :) That being said, and acknowledging BP does have a lot on its plate when it comes to RC, I do agree there are some pretty easy fixes that somehow never make it into the game. Our collective wish list (or so I hear) is rivaled in length only by Santa's Naughty or Nice list.
  8. billyjim

    billyjim User

    LOL Naughty or Nice list combined compared to the Mayors wish list for RC is a post-it note :D. Enough beating up on BP. It would be nice to have more options, being able to fit the entire playfield on one screen for those with the capability would be nice. Also the opposite would be true for those with limited visual acuity, showing my age again. What is the largest monitor they make these days? :p
  9. Geflin

    Geflin User

    With HDMI the sky's the limit, because you can hook up to your 52" plasma if you want. Personally I think 32" is a bit overboard, and I am quite happy with my 24". True I have to move the screen a bit, but no biggie there. My friend has a 32" and even zoomed out his buildings are so freaking big the resolution has become a wee bit grainy.
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