
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Idaliah, Dec 19, 2013.

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  1. Idaliah

    Idaliah User

    I suggest at least one maybe 2 more zoom out options.

    I know my little place isn't very big just yet but even so it is kinda tough to move map sometimes without clicking on a building and opening it up by mistake. If we could zoom out a little further it would make the guys (and gals) with larger properties lives a little easier for collecting rents, starting and collecting products, etc.

    Looking at all the properties yet left to purchase I can see a future of screaming at my mouse as I try to move the map to re-organize houses to accommodate building needs requirements. A little further vision of our properties would not adversely affect the game but at the same time give a little relief from having to move so much as the properties get larger.
  2. skb13

    skb13 User

    Sounds good to me. Would make picking event drops up easier if there was less panning around to do as well.
  3. Or they could implement other tools for moving around the map, like arrow keys or pointer next to the edge starts moving the playfield in other direction. :)
  4. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Get my vote.
    Thanks to having to drag around with wrong muse button have made me buy wrong plot by mistake.
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